"Spit & Whittle" weekend
Sept. 16-18, 2025
Osceola Fairgrounds, Evart MI

The event is also associated with the Michigan Wood Carvers Association
and it's many members

This is an INFORMAL GET-TOGETHER for all carvers. You don't have to belong to a club
or organization to attend. Held at the Osceola County Fairgrounds, Evart MI
(the same place as the Evart Roundup ) and it is open to all
carvers or anyone interested in learning the ropes.  It is not like the
 Roundup  with workshops but is simply a weekend of

carving and whittling on whatever you like.
Some carvers may bring blanks and projects for others to to. 
There is lots of visiting
and just plain ole' 'R & R'
 meeting new friends and sharing information.

Carvers can enjoy this social carving weekend just sittin' round
relaxin' and carvin' and chattin' with fellow wood carvers.

Cedar Bord Shoppe still has all your carving needs,
just give them a call or email
and they will help you out.
898-928-4242 or cedarbirdshoppe@charter.net

The Cedar Bird Shoppe (Pinconning MI) will be here with their
complete line of carving supplies. Attendees are also welcome
to bring any blanks they may have and sell them.

Breakfast and lunch will also be available Thur Fri & Sat.
at the fairgrounds Blue Ribbon Cafe if there are enough folks there.

We would appreciate your help with "Pick-up-Chips" (clean-up)

The Osceola Fairgrounds is open for camping  all
week at $25 per night w/electric, $20 primative You can pay ahead for your
site by credit card by calling the day you want to start paying for you space.

You may come a few days early if you like.

    For more information you may call  231.250.3855.
e-mail: horsecarver@gmail.com

Fairgrounds Information: osceolacountyfair@sbcglobal.net
Phone: 231-734-5481
or visit them at:



Updated 1.15.25
Web Editor Sandy: horsecarver@gmail.com